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Windows 7 Purple Screen Error [Solved]

I recently tried to dual boot my ubuntu 14.04 with Windows 7. For a few times, it worked just fine. But after some days, I faced a problem every time I boot into windows 7 through grub. The name of the problem is “Windows 7 purple screen”. When I pressed enter on the Windows 7 entry in the grub, a purple grub like screen keeps on showing all the time. But windows was loading fine in the background, as I could hear the startup sound of windows. But the only thing I could see was a purple screen and nothing else. But sometimes it worked when I hibernated windows 7. But that was not the permanent solution. I also got to hear from my friends that they had the same problem. So I have found a solution about it. Burg. Burg is an alternative to grub. I tried it and it worked perfectly for me.

Install Burg by opening terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and then enter the command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/burg -y
&& sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer
-y && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install burg
burg-themes grub-customizer

Open Grub Customizer by searching it on dash or in terminal run command: grub-customizer


You will have to enter your password. Now it will say: BURG found! Do you want to configure BURG instead of grub2?, click on ‘Yes’.


To make Burg as default(over grub), Click Install to MBR (under File).

You can delete extra entries like ‘Ubuntu Recovery.


In the General Settings, you can increase the time for default boot entry After you are ready, click on Save and then let it update configurations.


Now, we’re going to change the theme. Type in the terminal:

sudo burg-emu

Enter password.



Press F2 key to open the theme menu and use arrow keys to select your burg theme.

Then restart your system and then see the magic. Windows 7 will boot up successfully. Press F1 to see help menu and F2 to change theme. There are several themes to choose from.