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17th July

Sir told me to make a script to create slides just by putting some images into a folder. Nice idea!

After trying some commands interactively, I wrapped the commands and first tried for manipulating text of a file. I got opportunity to use the sed (stream editor). Here is the script for that: Click here to see the script.

let count=1
while read line
sed -i -e s/'variable('$count')'/$line/ filename

Here list contains the list of names of images that are to be replaced with the ‘variable()’ in the file ‘filename’.

Then I got the idea and created another script to add slides into the reveal-md presentation file.

Here is the link to script:


while read line
echo "">>
echo "---">>
echo "">>
echo "<section data-background="images/$line"></section>">> 

The lines I’ve echo’ed are the syntax to add a new slide in reveal-md presentation (three hyphens surrounded by new lines). Basically a new line is fetched from the file “list” (which contains the list of images in the images folder) and then it’s appended (due to ‘»’) in the file by inserting the image names (from file ‘list’) within section tags (to change background).

After that I pushed the code to github.