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Hi everyone, read my older post adb not detecting the phone! to get some basic information about what adb is.

Now the problem came when I attached my phone to a freshly installed OS. This issue might only be specific to my OS. But I had to search the solution on the Internet when I faced it again. So thought of writing it myself this time.

Error is:

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
9bb2ce65 no permissions (verify udev rules); see []

So basically, it’s showing the device (9bb2ce65) but I can’t send any command (e.g. reboot) to my phone. Because it’s written there as “no permissions”. And it didn’t pop up any dialog box on my phone so that I could allow the permissions.

For solving this, I went to the link (and this) mentioned in the above output.

To add yourself to the plugdev group:

$ sudo usermod -aG plugdev $LOGNAME

And kill the adb server.

$ sudo adb kill-server

Start it again, with:

$ sudo adb start-server

Now the error is gone.

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
9bb2ce65 device