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As the course ‘Robotic Vision’ has been already finished officially on 8th July, I got an email today regarding my certificate of participation in the course by Professor Peter Corke. So I got it today in pdf format.

robotic vision certificate

Today I edited the function getColor function to have 3 arguments: input image (im), color that we want (clr) and threshold value (thr).

function color = getColor(im, clr, thr)
Y = sum(im,3);
redChroma = im(:,:,1) ./ Y;
greenChroma = im(:,:,2) ./Y;
blueChroma = im(:,:,3) ./Y;

redBinary = redChroma > thr;
greenBinary = greenChroma > thr;
blueBinary = blueChroma > thr;

case 'red'
color = redBinary;
case 'blue'
color = blueBinary;
case 'green'
color = greenBinary;

fprintf('Invalid color option. Use red, blue or green in single quotes only.');

This is done to enhance the image. Every image can’t be threshold with a default value.

As I discussed in previous post that there was a problem of some blobs having area =1 i.e. there are some white dots in the image. To solve this, I used gamma correction.

im2 = igamm(im, 'sRGB');

Hene, the function can be used as:

r = getColor(im2, 'red', 0.7)

to extract binary image with highlighted pixels as red. Also note that I used gamma corrected image as input to getColor function and threshold value of 0.7.