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After getting binary image (of any color like red, blue etc.) from getColor function, now the work is to identify the shapes in the binary image. What I did till now is:

im = iread('myOwnRV.jpg', 'double');

im2 = igamm(im, 'sRGB');

r = getColor(im2, 'red', 0.7);


binary imageHence we got a binary image having 7 blobs (including black background). We can check this using:

>> b = iblobs(r);
>> b

b =

(1) area=7781344, cent=(1221.8,1635.0), theta=1.58, b/a=0.748, class=0, label=1, touch=1, parent=1, perim=11420.0, circ=0.834
(2) area=34380, cent=(543.1,1246.2), theta=-3.10, b/a=0.883, class=1, label=2, touch=0, parent=1, perim=912.8, circ=0.577
(3) area=17899, cent=(839.5,2499.3), theta=-2.42, b/a=0.995, class=1, label=3, touch=0, parent=1, perim=551.0, circ=0.824
(4) area=23115, cent=(869.4,1136.5), theta=1.60, b/a=0.991, class=1, label=4, touch=0, parent=1, perim=588.8, circ=0.932
(5) area=67787, cent=(1477.8,1131.1), theta=2.30, b/a=0.992, class=1, label=5, touch=0, parent=1, perim=1070.2, circ=0.827
(6) area=11658, cent=(1822.8,1467.1), theta=1.63, b/a=0.898, class=1, label=6, touch=0, parent=1, perim=522.9, circ=0.596
(7) area=54089, cent=(1878.1,2108.8), theta=-2.72, b/a=0.988, class=1, label=7, touch=0, parent=1, perim=905.8, circ=0.922

Now I want to detect the shapes from this binary image.

First I started with the ‘circle’ shape. We know that the circularity for circle is 1. So we take near about 1 in if statement. And we can see clearly in image that there are 2 circles and also there are 2 blobs having values near about 1 above.

So here is my getShape.m function:

function ans = getShape(im, shape)
  [L,mx] = ilabel(im);
  b = iblobs(im);
  array = zeros(1,mx); %created a matrix for storing labels of matching blobs
  for i = 1:mx
    if(shape=='circle' & b(i).circularity>=0.9 & b(i).circularity <=1.1)
      array(i) = b(i).label;
  exclude = array(array~=0); %exclude the extra zeros added
  ans = b(exclude); %here the resulting blobs's features are stored

To use this function we must be in same directory of where the function is stored (in MATLAB). We can use this function as:

>> getShape(r,'circle')

ans =

(1) area=23115, cent=(869.4,1136.5), theta=1.60, b/a=0.991, class=1, label=4, touch=0, parent=1, perim=588.8, circ=0.932
(2) area=54089, cent=(1878.1,2108.8), theta=-2.72, b/a=0.988, class=1, label=7, touch=0, parent=1, perim=905.8, circ=0.922

Now to make a bounding box around the blobs (circles):

>> idisp(r);                  %display the binary image
>> ans.plot_box

The result is shown as:

circles are bounded by box