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On Sunday, I was facing some problems while compiling the LibreCAD 3. It was showing more than 30 errors. Then I reinstalled Qt and re-cloned the LibreCAD and then it was showing 1 error and that was: Wrong Permission or path.

Then I changed the permission of the file “demo” located in /home/mandeep/build-kerneldev-Desktop_Qt_5_1_0_GCC_64bit-Debug/lcdemo from root to user.Then I re-compiled it and that’s it. It’s working.

Today there was two presentations. One was on Mapfish by Inderjit Singh. Mapfish is a kind of software that works similarly like Google Maps. Maps are basically loaded onto the screen as tiles. Advantage of Mapfish is that it loads the tiles faster and put less load on the client side. Second presentation was on Phonegap by Hitesh. He explained the concept of Phonegap that how it works. Phonegap is basically a tool to convert the html,css or javascript coding into an android application which you can put in your android mobile and run normally as usual. I liked the concept very much. I am very eager to use it. Every version of android supports it, if it supports HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. Phonegap can be installed on the system by following some steps described at the official website .

At home, I tried making some lines, squares, circles. And then I made a figure:

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