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Today I modified the cocgi code to add the matrices like mass_matrix, height_storey, stiffness_storey.

I used a for loop to create input tags. And the name and placeholder attributes of the input tags are dynamic(affected by the loop). Now have to do things something differently(maybe the right approach).

One friend had some system problem. It was showing ‘Running in low graphics mode’. Okay, now this may sound quite a familiar thing(error) many Ubuntu users had. But wait, he doesn’t have a dedicated graphics card. So how can this be possible? Generally, this problem arise due to some driver issues like Nvidia etc.

I suggested him some solutions few days back and he tried all, but that didn’t help much. Then I seached for a possible solution and tried many things on that system. On startup, when pressing ‘Esc’ key shows kernel messages instead of splash screen. There were some [fail] errors regarding the cups(printing related stuff). Then the messages stopped at starting Openssh and was not proceeding further. After trying some more solutions, I uninstalled Unity desktop-environment and installed xubuntu-desktop. So finally it crossed that barrier but the display manager(lighdm or gdm) wasn’t starting. So pressed the Ctrl+Alt+f1(or probably f2 and f3) and got the terminal shell. But when entering the username and password, it just asked for that again. It was like a login loop. I encountered that earlier but that was with lighdm (display manager). But now it was on terminal console. But the root login worked. So as per the expected problem, I checked the permissions of ~/.Xauthority of the user and they were fine. I also created a new user to be sure if that wasn’t the error. But again, the login loop persisted.

So I logged in as root from console and tried startx command. After a few seconds, that Gnome display appeared and he was happy like ‘yeah! that worked’. But that’s not the solution. I know it’ll open everything as root and things can easily get messed up. So will try something again on that, if got the chance. It was around 8, so left for home.