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Today a new task has been assigned to our team. We were told to download the source code of LibreCAD version2 and compile it. Then we searched on Internet to find which dependencies it require before compilation. There is a blog Here on the Internet where very important and helpful articles are there. This blog helped us a lot. It lists all the steps to build LibreCAD v2 from source. When I build it first time in Qt, it was showing some errors of svg library. Then the

sudo apt-get install libqt5svg5*

was the command to solve this. Then while compiling again it showed error about boost libraries. Then type command :

sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

to install all the boost libraries. Its size is approximately 40 mb. Then I re-build the source in Qt creator by pressing ctrl+r. Then it took some time to build. Then our executable file will be located in


folder under the name of librecad. Double-click on that file, if it doesn’t opens then through terminal go to that directory and change the permissions of the file by command:

chmod 755 librecad

. Permissions can be anything based on your requirements 7 is for execute,5 is for read/write. Now run the executable file by double clicking on it or through terminal by typing the following command if you are in the same directory where the executable file resides, then type:


And that’s it. You will see a window pops up that shows the units of dimensioning e.g. millimeter etc. Choose any one and press OK. Now LibreCAD v2 will be displayed on the screen.